
2023-12-29 10:23:53

人类种植小麦的历史已有上万年这粒种子的出现,改变了人类的生活方式如今更是成就了一片特殊的土地——陕西杨凌Humans have been growing wheat for over ten thousand years,and the emergence of this seed has changed the way of their life.Nowadays, it has cultivated a magical land——Yangling in northwest China’s Shaanxi Province.

关中平原中华农耕文明的发祥地之一传说约4000年前圣贤后稷在这里教授人们种植庄稼农业火种代代传递现在这里已经成为全球农业的创新沃土和合作高地Central Shaanxi’s Guanzhong Plain is one of the birthplaces of Chinese farming civilization.Legend has it that about 4,000 years ago,the sage Hou Ji taught people to grow crops here.The agricultural tradition has been passed on since then,turning Yangling into a fertile ground for global agricultural innovation and cooperation.作为中国首个国家级农业高新技术产业示范区杨凌聚集了一批农业专业院校、种子研发公司和农技创新团队拥有70多个省级以上科研平台7000多名农业科研教学人才As China’s first national agricultural high-tech industrial demonstration zone,Yangling is home to a number of agricultural professional colleges, seed R&D companies and agricultural technology innovation teams.It has more than 70 scientific research platforms at or above the provincial level, and over 7,000 agricultural scientific research and teaching professionals.

杨凌农业科学家培育的小麦品种主导了黄淮麦区4次更新换代攻克小麦“癌症”条锈病破译小麦基因组密码选育营养彩色小麦……种业创新正在这里如火如荼地展开Wheat varieties cultivated by agricultural scientists in Yanglinghave led four upgrades in wheat growing in farming areas along the Yellow River and Huaihe River.With accomplishments like overcoming the crippling wheat stripe rust,deciphering wheat genome code, and breeding nutritious colored wheat,seed industry innovation is in full swing in Yangling.近年来杨凌先后与全球60多个国家在现代农业领域建立合作关系其中主要为共建“一带一路”国家In recent years,Yangling has inked cooperative ties with over 60 countries in modern agriculture,and most of them are BRI participants.

与种子结缘交世界朋友通过广泛开展国际农业教育培训杨凌累计为全球110个国家和地区培训3000多名农业官员和技术人员Via seeds, Yangling has been making friends across the world.Through extensive international agricultural education and training,Yangling has trained more than 3,000 agricultural officials and technicians,for 110 countries and regions.

一粒小小的种子架起杨凌农业科技通往世界的桥梁也将丰收的希望播撒向更广阔的土地A tiny seedhas grown into a bridge between Yangling’s agricultural science and technology and the world,spreading the hope of a good harvestbeyond the city,Shaanxi and China to the wider land.


